St Cedd's School

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that which

is Good

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Parents' Information Line

St Cedd’s School celebrates NACE Challenge Award third accreditation

St Cedd’s School has been reaccredited with the prestigious National Association for Able Children in Education (NACE) Challenge Award. The independent co-educational preparatory school on New London Road in Chelmsford is the 40th school to receive this award for the third time, which is given in recognition of school-wide commitment to high-quality provision for more able learners, within the context of challenge for all.

NACE CEO, Rob Lightfoot, says: “St Cedd’s School has worked hard to attain the NACE Challenge Award for a third time. It has continued to display a thorough commitment to developing an effective environment in which all learners are challenged and supported to reach their full potential.”

The award, which the school was first accredited with in 2018, is based on the NACE Challenge Framework, which is available as part of the NACE Challenge Development Programme – a suite of resources developed by NACE to help schools evaluate and improve their provision for more able learners.

In addition to completing a detailed self-evaluation and submitting a portfolio of supporting evidence, St Cedd’s School was visited by a NACE assessor who observed lessons, spoke with staff and pupils, and carried out a thorough review of pupils’ work.

The NACE assessor who visited St Cedd’s School reports, “The senior leadership team places the children at the centre of all they do. Even though achievement is high, there is never a hint of complacency but instead a desire to adapt to the changing needs of the children, year on year. Challenge and high expectations for all pupils are evident across the school.”

“Pupils talk of ‘always striving to do your best’ and enjoy hard work and success. Learners are confident and relaxed in their learning. They apply themselves enthusiastically because they feel safe, supported but also challenged.”

Rob Lightfoot adds, “The Challenge Award is presented in recognition of whole school commitment to and achievement in providing effective challenge and support for all – spanning school leadership, curriculum, teaching and learning, processes for identification and tracking, extra-curricular opportunities, strong communication and partnerships, and ongoing evaluation.”

Mrs Rachel Weaver, Head of Academic at St Cedd’s School, who champions the NACE Challenge work within the School, says, “We are delighted to be reaccredited with the NACE Challenge Award for the third time. The award is a testament to the dedication and passion of our staff in ensuring that all learners are challenged, supported and inspired to achieve their very best, in an environment where high expectations and a love of learning are central to everything we do.”

St Cedd’s School will remain part of the international community of Challenge Award-accredited schools that have demonstrated a sustained and effective commitment to meeting the needs of more able learners, and an interest in sharing expertise for the wider benefit of the education community.

The experience and evidence gathered by Challenge Award-accredited schools shows that effective strategies to improve provision for the more able are likely to have a positive impact on the achievement of a much wider group of learners.

For further information, call 01245 392810 or email

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