Welcome from the head
Welcome to St Cedd's School, an independent co-educational school in Chelmsford, for pupils aged 3-11. For more than 90 years, boys and girls at St Cedd's School have been enjoying a quality of education that is among the very best you will find both locally and nationally.
We offer pupils the opportunity to aspire and achieve in a caring environment that nurtures talent and supports individual endeavour whilst also developing a sense of community and key collaborative skills to equip young learners for the demands of the 21st Century.
Explore our website and then please come and visit our vibrant School and Pre-School to discover what we can offer your child; I look forward to meeting you.

School policies on the arrangements for admissions, misbehaviour and exclusions; educational and welfare provision for pupils with statements and pupils for whom English is an additional language; St Cedd’s School Safeguarding Policy; our curriculum policy; policy to promote good behaviour and associated sanctions; anti-bullying strategy, Health and Safety Policy, First Aid Policy; the pupils’ academic performance and achievements during 2014-2015 including the results of 11+ examinations; the School’s complaints procedure and a copy of the ISI Inspection Report conducted in 2013, in addition to other relevant guidance, school procedures and protocols, are available on this school website, and as a hard copy from the Front Office.
The philosophy underpinning St Cedd's School is represented by the School motto: 'Hold Fast That Which Is Good'. This is expressed in every part of school life. It is embodied by fellowship, where every individual's contribution is counted and warmly valued within an ethos of excellence and improvement. If you wish to enrol your child, find out more below:
Start the journey